Contoh Kalimat simple present tense aktif dan pasif
Contoh Kalimat simple present tense aktif dan pasif- Kita telah belajar bentuk present tense verbal, nominal sebelumnya, pada
kesempatan kali ini akan membahas materi selanjutnya bagi kalian yang
masih semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk memperluas wawasan lagi.
Contoh-contoh kalimat sebelumnya merupakan kalimat simple present tense
dalam bentuk kalimat aktif atau pelaku melakukan pekerjaan dan
subjeknya penting untuk diketahui. Bagaiamana bentuk pasifnya? Kenapa
perlu bentuk pasif juga? Karena dalam bahasa inggris ada kalanya pelaku
tindakan tidak begitu penting ditunjukkan atau diketahui, tetapi lebih
mementingkan tindakan apa yang telah dilakukannya, menarik bukan?
Nah, kalimat aktif itu sendiri merupakan kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan suatu tindakan, sedangkan kalimat pasifmenyatakan objeknya dikenai suatu tindakan dan pelakunya tidak begitu dipentingkan untuk diketahui.
Rumusan kalimat simple present tense aktif:
the course
many times
Untuk rumusan simple present tense pasif:
to be
Participated (V-3)
Those meals
by her
Ingat selalu gunakan participated atau V-3 setelah to be!
Contoh kalimat present tense aktif:
1. Kalimat Simple Present Tense aktif
a. Ariana wants those books.
b. They take picture sometimes.
c. Tommy loves Emma much.
d. Mia brings a beautiful bag and wears nice dress.
e. We eat many foods.
f. Nia takes care of him patiently.
g. I need to bring jacket.
h. Those eyes make me feel wonder.
i. They learn English everyday.
j. She sells her house more expensive.
k. Some students ask the difficult problems.
l. She answers your questions.
m. We bring chocolates for them.
n. Ron loves Luna so much.
o. My husband likes me so much.
p. My husband cuts his moustache sometimes.
2. Kalimat simple present tense pasif
a. Those books are wanted by Ariana.
b. Picture is taken by them sometimes.
c. Emma is loved by tommy much.
d. A beautiful bag and wears nice dress are brought by Mia.
e. Many foods are eaten by us.
f. He is taken care by Nia patiently.
g. Jacket is needed to be brought by me.
h. I am made feel wonder by those eyes.
i. English is learnt by them everyday.
j. Her house is sold by her more expensive.
k. The difficult problems are asked by some students.
l. Your questions are answered by her.
m. Chocolates are brought for them.
n. Luna is loved by Ron so much.
o. I am liked by my husband so much.
p. His moustache is cut sometimes.
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