DIRECT dan INDIRECT SPEECH (Kalimat Langsung dan Tak Langsung)
Direct Speech adalah kalimat yang diucapkan langsung dari si pembicara. Kalimat
tersebut tidak diubah atau ditambah.
Contoh :
-Erfin said, “I am so happy”.
-They said, “We have watched football game”.
Indirect Speech adalah kalimat yang berasal dari kalimat langsung yang diceritakan
kembali dalam bentuk yang lain.
Contoh :
-Erfin said that he was so happy
-They said that they had watched football game.
Catatan :
Jika Kata Kerja dalam induk kalimat bentuknya adalah PRESENT dan PRESENT PERFECT
atau adanya suatu keterangan yang umum pada induk kalimat, maka tidak ada
perubahan waktu dalam Kalimat tidak langsung.
Contoh :
-She asks me, “Are you sleepy?” She asks me wether I am sleepy
-He has told us, “I am hungry.” He told us that he is hungry
-She told me,“the sun rises in the east”.
She told me that the sun rises in the east
Tetapi apabila Kata Kerja dalam kalimat bentuknya selain dari PRESENT dan
PERFECT maka terjadi perubahan waktu pada Kalimat tidak langsung.
Contoh :
-Simple Present menjadi Simple Past
a. He told me, “I go to work everyday.”
b. He told me that he went to work everyday.
-Present Continuous menjadi Past Continuous
a. She told me, “I am playing music now”.
b. She told me that she was playing music then.
-Present Perfect menjadi Past Perfect
a. They told me. “We have bought a car”.
b. They told me that they had bought a car.
-Simple Past menjadi Past Perfect
a. He told me, “I went to Bandung yesterday”.
b. He told me that he had gone to Bandung yesterday.
-Simple Future menjadi Future Past
a. He told me, “I will go to university next year”.
b. He told me that he would go to university the following year.
-Future Past menjadi Future Past Perfect
a. She told me, “I should go there if I were you.”
b. She told me that she would have gone there if she had been me.
Perubahan-perubahan MODAL, PREPOSITION dan Keterangan waktu dari kalimat
langsung menjadi kalimat tak langsung. :
Shall – Should See – saw Will – would
Is – was May – might Has/have – had
Can –could are – were Here – there
This – that Now – then Ago – before, Dsb
Jumat, 15 Juli 2016
penggunaan Third Conditional dalam kalimat
Menggunakan Kalimat Pengandaian (Conditional Sentences)
Conditional Clause dan Main Clause
Conditional clause | Main clause |
1. If + Present Tense | will + inf / present tense / imperative |
2. If + Past Tense | would + inf |
3. If + Past Perfect | would have + past participle |
1. First Conditional
– Sifat : kondisi yang dinyatakan bersifat possible dan tidak mengarang-ngarang.
– Waktu : kondisi ini merujuk pada present atau future time.
contoh : if he don’t have rice, i will eat noodle
(jika dia tidak mempunyai nasi saya akan makan bakmi)
Contoh :
- If you help me with the dishes (if + present),
I will help you with your homework. (will + inf) - If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by three,
the number is divisible by three (Present. tense) - If you see Mr Fox tonight, tell him I am ill. (imperative).
- If i become president, i will built international stadium in Bali
– Sifat : Bersifat unreal (impossible ) , kondisi yang tidak mungkin
– Waktu : Saat ini (Present). Tense yang digunakan adalah PAST, tapi kita sedang membicarakan situasi saat ini.
Contoh :
if i became president, i would built international stadium in Bali (dikatakan oleh seorang anak sekolahan. Tidak mungkin, karena waktu yang ditekankan pada kondisional ini adalah pada saat ini, bagaimana dia jadi presiden tamat sekolah aja blun )
3. Third Conditional
– Sifat : Tidak Real. Menyatakan pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi lagi karena kejadiannya sudah berlalu, kondisi ini biasanaya menggungkapkan penyesalan apa yang terjadi di masa lalu
– Waktu : Past.
Contoh : if you had sent me email last week, i would have called you
(jika kamu mengirimi saya email minggu lalu, saya akan memanggil kamu)
cara membentuk Question Tag
Cara Membuat Question Tag
Question tag adalah pertanyaan singkat di akhir kalimat/pernyataan yang digunakan untuk meminta persetujuan dari lawan bicara Anda atau mengonfirmasi benar tidaknya pernyataan Anda tersebut. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, question tag bisa diartikan kan?/bukan?/ya?/ yuk?.1. Jika kalimatnya positif, maka question tag-nya negatif.
- You are beautiful, aren’t you? [Kamu cantik, kan?]
- She is serious, isn’t she? [Dia serius, bukan?]
2. Jika kalimatnya negatif, maka question tag-nya positif.
- You are not beautiful, are you? [Kamu tidak cantik, kan?]
- She is not serious, is she? [Dia tidak serius, bukan?]
- I am smart, aren’t I? [Saya pintar, kan?]
- I am not guilty, am I? [Saya tidak bersalah, kan?]
- You stay in Bandung, don’t you? [Anda tinggal di Bandung, kan?]
- Hendra writes an aricle, doesn’t he? [Hendra menulis sebuah artikel, kan?]
- She played tennis, didn’t she? [Dia bermain tennis, kan?]
- Sumanto can’t play piano, can he? [Sumanto tidak bisa bermain piano, kan?]
- Ayu will be here, won’t she? [Ayu akan ke sini, kan?]
- They have to go to school, don’t they? [Mereka harus pergi ke sekolah, kan?]
- No one cares of me, do they? [Tak ada seorang pun yang peduli pada saya, kan?]
- She never seems to care, does she? [Dia tak pernah nampak peduli, kan?]
- Rudi seldom does his homework, does he? [ Rudi jarang mengerjakan PR-nya, kan?]
- Nobody lived in this house, did they? [ Tidak ada seorang pun yang tinggal di rumah ini, kan?]
- Somebody played the guitar last night, didn’t they? [Seseorang bermain gitar tadi malam, kan?]
- Everybody watched the movie, didn’t they? [Setiap orang menonton film itu, kan?]
- Everything should be ready, shouldn’t it? [Semua seharusnya sudah siap, kan?]
- Something is moving, isn’t it? [Sesuatu bergerak, kan?]
- Close the door, will you? [Tutup pintu, ya?]
- Don’t be lazy, will you? [Jangan malas, ya?]
- Don’t make me upset, will you? [Jangan membuat saya bingung, ya?]
- Let’s wash the car, shall we? [Mencuci mobil, yuk?]
- Let’s go to the beach, shall we? [Pergi ke pantai, yuk?]
- Let’s forget it, shall we? [Lupakan itu, yuk?]
sumber :
penggunaan determiner
Pengertian Determiner
Determiner adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang ditempatkan di depan noun untuk membatasi makna noun tersebut. Di traditional grammar, determiner sering disebut limiting adjective, walaupun berbeda maknanya dengan adjective biasa.General dan Specific Determiner
Berada di depan suatu noun, determiner menentukkan apakah noun phrase yang dibentuknya bersifat general atau specific. General noun phrase dapat dibentuk dari general determiner, sedangkan specific noun phrase dari specific determiner.Penjelasan Determiner | Contoh Kalimat Determiner |
General Determiner | |
indefinite article (a atau an): membicarakan suatu hal secara umum dimana pendengar/pembaca tidak tau pasti yang mana yang dimaksudkan | He is looking for a job in Bali. (Dia sedang mencari pekerjaan di Bali.) |
quantifier (many, few, little, some, any): menyatakan jumlah | Please give me a little water. (Tolong beri saya sedikit air.) |
distributive (all, every, both) | All your books are on the table. (Semua bukumu di atas meja.) |
difference word (other, another): membicarakan tambahan orang, benda, atau hal | May I have another shoes? (Bolehkah saya mendapatkan sepatu yang lain?) |
Specific Determiner | |
definite article (the): membicarakan noun yang diyakini pembaca/pendengar paham yang dimaksudkan | Did he enjoy the show? (Apa dia menikmati pertunjukkan tersebut?) |
demonstrative adjective (this, that, these, those): menerangkan noun dalam hal jarak dan/atau jumlah | Those apples are so red. (Apel-apel itu sangat merah.) |
possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, dan their): menunjukkan kepemilikan | Your jacket is in the laundry basket. (Jaketmu di dalam keranjang cucian.) |
Penggunaan General Determiner
General determiner mungkin dipadukan dengan singular/plural countable noun atau uncountable noun dengan rumus sebagai berikut.Rumus | General Determiner | Contoh Noun Phrase | |||
general determiner + singular countable noun | a & an (indefinite articles) | a book, an apple | |||
another (difference word) | another man | ||||
any, no (quantifier) | any report, no journey | ||||
each, every, neither (distributive) | each pair, every student, neither spoon (nor fork) | ||||
determiner + plural countable noun | all, both (distributive) | all books, several magazines | |||
some, any, no, many, few, several (quantifier) | some people, any new books, no jobs, many clothes, few activities | ||||
other (difference words) | other tasks | ||||
enough, more, most | enough dollars, more tips, most batteries | ||||
determiner + uncountable noun | all (distributive) | all furniture | |||
some, any, no, little, less, much (quantifier) | some paper, any time, no money, little information, less sugar, much coffee | ||||
more, most, enough | more advice, most cheese, enough money |
perbedaan Have Something Done dan Causative Have
Perbedaan Have Something
Done dan Causative Have
Have something
done dengan kata lain Causative . Causative digunakan untuk menujukkan bahwa
orang lain melakukan atau berbuat sesuatu untuk seseorang . Biasanya sebagai
pengganti orang pertama . Penggunaan
have atau get lebih informal dalam bentuk pasif yang menunjukkan sesuatu
yang di kerjakan,untuk subjek atau pelaku oleh orang lain . Orang lain yang
melakukan Service atau pelayanan kepada kita .
<< Have + Object + Past
Particle >>
The Use Of
Causative Use of “ Have” (penggunaan
causative “Have” ) which has the meaning of Asking someone to do something or
Asking something to be done yang artinya “ Menyuruh atau Meminta “ orang lain melakukan sesuatu atau menyuruh
/ meminta sesuatu untuk dilakukan ..
This is the form of The Use Of Causative “ Have “ ( penggunaan “ Have “
dalam menyuruh orang lain melakukan sesuatu ) with the form ( dengan rumus )
below :
Rumus 1 << Subyek + Have/Has/Had
(Menyuruh/Meminta) + Obyek ( seseorang ) + Verb-1 artinya me ..........
Rumus 2
<< Subyek + Have/Has/Had (
Menyuruh / meminta ) + Obyek (benda) + verb-3 artinya di ............>>
The Use Of
Causative Use Of “ Get “ ( penggunaan Causative
“ Get “ ) which has the meaning of
Asking someone to do something or Asking something to be done ( yang
artinya Menyuruh atau Meminta orang lain melakukan sesuatu atau menyuruh /
meminta sesuatu untuk dilakukan .. This
is the form of The Use Of Causative “ Get “ ( penggunaan “ Get “ dalam
menyuruh orang lain melakukan sesuatu ) with the form ( dengan rumus ) below :
Rumus 1 <<
Subyek + Get / Got ( menyuruh / meminta ) + Obyek ( seseorang ) + Verb-1 artinya
Rumus 2 <<
Subyek + Get / Got ( menyuruh / meminta ) + Obyek ( benda) + verb-3
artinya di
Example Have
Something Done :
· I have my house cleaned : someone
cleans my house for me .
· I am having my clothers ironed :
somebody is ironing my clothes
· My mom was sick , she had the clothes
· The man had the nechanic fix the car
· My bos has Rina prepare a report
· I will get him to do it
· We will get John to fix the machine
· We don’t want to get trapped
· He got his neighbor to lock his house
penggunaan Indefinite Pronoun (Some - , Any - , no -)
indefinite pronoun pada bentuk singular, plural, dan kedua-duanya sebagai berikut.
Untuk mengatasi masalah gender tersebut, indefinite pronoun dapat menggunakan personal atau reflexive pronoun berupa: he or she, his or her, him or hers, atau himself or herself. Berikut contohnya.
Namun, jika dilakukan berulang kali, akan tampak menjengkelkan. Solusinya dapat dengan menggunakan kata ganti “their“, “them“, atau “themselves” sebagai Gender Neuter Pronoun. Penggunaan tersebut cukup dapat dibenarkan untuk daily speech.
Indefinite Pronoun | Keterangan |
Singular / uncountable noun | |
anything, everything, anybody / anyone, everybody / everyone, each, nobody, somebody / someone, something, nothing, either, neither, much, another, enough, little, less, one | Anybody /anyone, everybody / everyone, nobody, somebody / someone, one merupakan indefinite pronoun yang mengacu pada countable noun (orang). |
Another, each merupakan kata ganti yang mengacu pada countable noun (orang, benda). | |
Anything, everything, something, & nothing merupakan kata ganti yang mengacu pada countable noun (berupa benda atau hal). | |
Enough, much, little, less merupakan kata ganti yang mengacu pada uncountable noun. | |
Plural | |
all, both, several, many, few, fewer, ones | Plural untuk indefinite pronoun yang berupa countable noun. |
Both | |
none, some, any, more, most | None sebagai singular ketika sebagai singkatan dari no one, sedangkan sebagai plural ketika sebagai not any. |
Some, more, most, dan any sebagai singular ketika mengacu pada kata ganti berupa uncountable noun, sedangkan sebagai plural ketika countable noun. |
Masalah Gender pada Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronoun yang mengacu pada noun–orang, yaitu: anybody/anyone, everybody/everyone, nobody, dan somebody/someone yang tidak merujuk kepada gender tertentu kadangkala diikuti oleh personal pronoun (subjective, objective, dan possessive) atau reflexive pronoun yang memuat unsur gender.Untuk mengatasi masalah gender tersebut, indefinite pronoun dapat menggunakan personal atau reflexive pronoun berupa: he or she, his or her, him or hers, atau himself or herself. Berikut contohnya.
Contoh Masalah Gender pada Indefinite Pronoun:
Someone lost his or her car parked in front of the cafe last night.Namun, jika dilakukan berulang kali, akan tampak menjengkelkan. Solusinya dapat dengan menggunakan kata ganti “their“, “them“, atau “themselves” sebagai Gender Neuter Pronoun. Penggunaan tersebut cukup dapat dibenarkan untuk daily speech.
Contoh Gender Neuter Pronoun:
Someone lost their car parked in front of the cafe last night.Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite Pronoun | Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronoun | |
all (semua, seluruh) (countable) all (semua, seluruh) (uncountable) | All have heard the news. (Semua telah mendengar berita itu.) | |
All is fine. (Semua baik-baik saja.) | ||
another (tambahan, yang lain) | This photo is amazing. Do you have another? (Photo ini menakjubkan. Kamu punya yang lain?) | |
any (countable noun) any (uncountable noun) | If only any are left. (Kalau saja ada yang tersisa.) | |
Is any safe? (Apakah ada yang aman?) | ||
anybody / anyone (siapapun) | Is there anybody/anyone who agrees with feminism? (Apakah ada seseorang disana yang setuju dengan feminisme?) |
sumber :
penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif bentuk Past
Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Simpe Past Tense
Kalimat aktif:
We watched the Jurasic Park Movie on the cinema yesterday.
Kami menonton film Jurasic Park di bioskop kemarin.
Kami menonton film Jurasic Park di bioskop kemarin.
Andri picked up Santi in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
Andi menjemput Santi di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.
Andi menjemput Santi di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.
The governor built that monument year ago.
Gubernur membuat patung itu setahun yang lalau.
Gubernur membuat patung itu setahun yang lalau.
He studied Mathematic yesterday.
Dia belajar matematika kemarin.
Dia belajar matematika kemarin.
Kalimat pasif:
The Jurasic Park Movie was watched by us yesterday.
Film Jurasic Park ditonton oleh kami di bioskop kemarin.
Film Jurasic Park ditonton oleh kami di bioskop kemarin.
Santi was picked up by Andri in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
Santi dijemput oleh Andri di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.
Santi dijemput oleh Andri di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.
That monument was built by governor year ago.
Monument itu dibangun oleh gubernur setahun yang lalu.
Monument itu dibangun oleh gubernur setahun yang lalu.
The mathematic is studied by him yesterday.
Matematika dipelajari oleh dia kemarin.
Matematika dipelajari oleh dia kemarin.
Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Past Perfect Tense
Kalimat aktif:
I had informed him the news before he went.
Aku telah menginformasikan dia berita itu sebelum dia pergi.
Aku telah menginformasikan dia berita itu sebelum dia pergi.
They had won the race after had hard work.
Mereka sudah memenangkan perlombaan setelah bekerja keras.
Mereka sudah memenangkan perlombaan setelah bekerja keras.
I had worried about my brother after he had gone.
aku telah khawatir dengan saudaraku setelah dia pergi.
aku telah khawatir dengan saudaraku setelah dia pergi.
I had written the letter to my village before I had come.
Aku telah menulis surat ke kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.
Aku telah menulis surat ke kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.
Kalimat pasif:
He had been informed the news by me before he went.
Dia sudah diinformasikan tentang berita itu oleh saya sebelum ia pergi.
Dia sudah diinformasikan tentang berita itu oleh saya sebelum ia pergi.
The race had been won by us after had hard work.
Perlombaan suadh dimenangkan oleh kita setelah bekerja keras.
Perlombaan suadh dimenangkan oleh kita setelah bekerja keras.
My brother had been worried by me after he had gone.
Saudaraku telah dikhwatirkan oleh aku setelah dia pergi.
Saudaraku telah dikhwatirkan oleh aku setelah dia pergi.
The letter had been written by me to my village before I had come.
Surat itu telah ditulis oleh aku untuk kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.
Surat itu telah ditulis oleh aku untuk kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.
sumber :
penggunaan kalimat aktif dan pasif bentuk Present
Contoh Kalimat simple present tense aktif dan pasif
Contoh Kalimat simple present tense aktif dan pasif- Kita telah belajar bentuk present tense verbal, nominal sebelumnya, pada
kesempatan kali ini akan membahas materi selanjutnya bagi kalian yang
masih semangat belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk memperluas wawasan lagi.
Contoh-contoh kalimat sebelumnya merupakan kalimat simple present tense
dalam bentuk kalimat aktif atau pelaku melakukan pekerjaan dan
subjeknya penting untuk diketahui. Bagaiamana bentuk pasifnya? Kenapa
perlu bentuk pasif juga? Karena dalam bahasa inggris ada kalanya pelaku
tindakan tidak begitu penting ditunjukkan atau diketahui, tetapi lebih
mementingkan tindakan apa yang telah dilakukannya, menarik bukan?
Nah, kalimat aktif itu sendiri merupakan kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan suatu tindakan, sedangkan kalimat pasifmenyatakan objeknya dikenai suatu tindakan dan pelakunya tidak begitu dipentingkan untuk diketahui.
Rumusan kalimat simple present tense aktif:
the course
many times
Untuk rumusan simple present tense pasif:
to be
Participated (V-3)
Those meals
by her
Ingat selalu gunakan participated atau V-3 setelah to be!
Contoh kalimat present tense aktif:
1. Kalimat Simple Present Tense aktif
a. Ariana wants those books.
b. They take picture sometimes.
c. Tommy loves Emma much.
d. Mia brings a beautiful bag and wears nice dress.
e. We eat many foods.
f. Nia takes care of him patiently.
g. I need to bring jacket.
h. Those eyes make me feel wonder.
i. They learn English everyday.
j. She sells her house more expensive.
k. Some students ask the difficult problems.
l. She answers your questions.
m. We bring chocolates for them.
n. Ron loves Luna so much.
o. My husband likes me so much.
p. My husband cuts his moustache sometimes.
2. Kalimat simple present tense pasif
a. Those books are wanted by Ariana.
b. Picture is taken by them sometimes.
c. Emma is loved by tommy much.
d. A beautiful bag and wears nice dress are brought by Mia.
e. Many foods are eaten by us.
f. He is taken care by Nia patiently.
g. Jacket is needed to be brought by me.
h. I am made feel wonder by those eyes.
i. English is learnt by them everyday.
j. Her house is sold by her more expensive.
k. The difficult problems are asked by some students.
l. Your questions are answered by her.
m. Chocolates are brought for them.
n. Luna is loved by Ron so much.
o. I am liked by my husband so much.
p. His moustache is cut sometimes.
sumber :
sumber :
penggunan articles dalam kalimat
The use of A and AN in English Sentences
A and AN are called indefinite articles. " Indefinite " means " non-specific " . A ( AN ) is used when we talk about things in general and not a specific thing .
- We need a car. Bukan sebuah mobil yang spesifik, bisa berupa mobil apa saja
- Maria wants a motorcycle. Bukan jenis motor tertentu, motor secara umum
- Do you have a driving license? Surat izin mengemudi apa saja. Bisa berupa SIM A, SIM B, SIM C dll
Similarly , A ( AN ) is used to introduce what sort of thing we are talking about.
· This is an excellent room . Describe the type of room
· Do you live in a tree house ? Ask about the type of home
· She ate a huge , milky pudding . Describe the type of pudding
REMEMBER : We can not use A ( AN ) for the plural noun for A ( AN ) means "one" or " single"
I saw a rhinos in Ujung Kulon National Park . false
· I saw rhinos in Ujung Kulon National
Park . Correct
Use of A , AN , and THE on Clauses and Phrases
Many clauses and phrases makes an object known to listeners by informing the listener of people or things we talked about .
Let us look at an example the following sentence :
·Can you give them the coffe on the desk .
THE can be used in this sentence because the phrase "on the table " tells the listener what we mean coffee . We're not talking about the other coffees , we are talking about specialty coffee listeners can see or know about the coffee. Learning to recognize the clauses and phrases will help us to use THE correctly .
·Did you bring the key roomates she Gave you?
·She did not like the meal that you Gave .
·The book on my desk belongs to Leny .
However: Not all of the clauses and phrases make things known to listeners . Some merely descriptive . They add extra information , but did not inform listeners about specific things we're talking about .
· He bought the computer with a big screen . This combination tells listeners about where the computer he bought.
· He bought a computer with a big screen . This combination tells listeners what kind of house she bought , but do not tell the computer where he bought.
sumber :
Kamis, 14 Juli 2016
differences in use some and any, much, many, a lot of
Differences in use Some and Any, Much, Many, a lot of
Used to sentence Positive /
Affirmative / Statement, Offer, requests, and questions if you wish the question to be answered "Yes /
I have some
friends to be visited next week.
She borrowed
some books at the library.
for negative sentences or questions.
Have you got
any bananas? No, we have not got any. But we've got some oranges.
Do you have any
idea to solve this problem?
3. much
Much used for objects that can not be calculated , and to calculate it requires a dose / weights and sizes . The benchmark of an object can not be counted is if to count must use tools . such as liter , rupiah , etc. kilogram .
· You took too much sugar in your tea , it's not good for your health .
· We need much sand to build a big building .
Many are used for objects that can be calculated ( countable noun )
· How many fruit you take from the refrigerator ?
· Many people asked me if I have got married or not .
5.A lot of
A lot of good can be used for items that can be counted and can not be calculated . This means that can be used to change the position of Many.
What distinguishes the Many and Much is that the usage habits . A lot of just plain used in the positive .
· I have a lot of friends who always stand by me .
· How much money do you have ? I have a lot of money .
sumber :
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